RESIDENTS of a Whitchurch care home had a surprise when a school choir visited and sang to them.

Pupils from the Whitchurch CE Junior Academy choir visited Greenfields Care Home in Liverpool Road recently.

Pupils sang a number of songs to the residents with the Beatles hit 'Yellow Submarine' being a favourite of the residents.


Choir leader Natalie Williams was pleased with how the day went.

She said: "I am so proud of our school choir, they sang and conducted beautifully.

"It was a joy to watch the children sing and residents joining in.

"This is our second visit to the care home and the children are really excited to be able to perform to them."

Miss Williams added that the choir has been invited back to the care home next month and has been recognised by the school for what it has done.

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She said: "We have been invited back in July.

"It is our second visit after one at Christmas time.

"The principle of the school is proud that we have been invited back.

"The choir has been given a service award for stepping out into the community."