A MALPAS care home recently welcomed a group of primary school children for arts and craft activities.

Prospect House Care Home welcomed children from Malpas Alport Endowed Primary School who took part in activities alongside residents.

The activities involved some beautiful crafts, which residents were able to guide and help the children through each step and the children, in turn, brought their own ideas and creativity and the care home felt it was beneficial to bring different generations together.


Prospect House Care Home manager, Sarah Stroud said: "At Prospect House Care Home, we understand the importance of creating a sense of community and belonging for our residents.

"This is why we have been inviting local schools to visit our home and engage in intergenerational activities that are beneficial for both the elderly and younger generation."

A spokesperson said it was well received by residents.

They added: "Prospect House Care Home was thrilled to welcome a group of enthusiastic children from Malpas Alport Endowed Primary School for an intergenerational arts and crafts session.

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"The children brought with them a contagious energy that brought smiles to the faces of our residents.

"The intergenerational activities have proven to be a wonderful way to bring generations together, allowing individuals who live at Prospect House to share their experiences and wisdom with the younger generation while the children learn valuable lessons about compassion, kindness, and respect for their elders."