A replacement agricultural lagoon is set to be installed on a farm near Whitchurch after the plans were given the green light.

Applicant RJ Hares was granted permission by Shropshire Council to build the lagoon to replace the current one in Heathgates Farm in Lower Heath in Prees on Wednesday, January 11.

Mr Hares received support for his plan from consultees for drainage and ecology and from Prees Parish Council.

Shropshire Council case officer Jane Preece was impressed with the plan and received good said no concerns were raised by ecologists and drainage officers.

She added: "It is accepted that the proposed slurry lagoon is necessary to provide a modern slurry storage facility to replace the existing lagoon in the established farm to ensure modern day standards are met.

"In terms of siting and design, it is further considered that the proposed replacement lagoon will be appropriately sited adjacent to the existing farm complex.

"Due to it’s low profile together with the hedge planting proposals shown on the proposed plans (extended from the line approved in connection with the planning permissions for the adjacent dairy young stock buildings), it will not unduly impact on the landscape and rural character of the area.

"Neither is it considered that the siting and design will unduly impact on residential amenity given that it will relocate the lagoon facility further away from the traditional farm buildings that have been converted residential units when compared to the existing situation.

"As regards ecology, the Council’s ecologist is satisfied that no adverse impact will arise, subject to a recommended planning condition of approval to secure details of the lagoon cover for approval prior to first use.

"Likewise, the Council’s drainage officer has raised no concern in respect of drainage matters given that the replacement lagoon will be constructed to modern day standards including and allowance for additional rainfall as required by the specified regulations.

"With the imposition of appropriate planning conditions of approval in place, the application is considered capable of meeting with the aims and objectives of adopted planning policies as relevant."

Ms Preece concluded: "Officers consider that the proposal, as supported by additional information and revised plans, is acceptable and planning policy compliant.

"Approval is therefore recommended."