ST. JOHN'S Methodist Church will mark the summer solstice next week with a special outdoor gospel reading.

Every year the church celebrates Bible Month, typically in June, with a gospel from the Bible being read out.

For 2021 it is the turn of the Gospel of St Mark, the shortest gospel in the Bible.

To mark the occasion of the shortest gospel being read, the congregation of St John's chosen Monday, June 21 – the longest day of this year.

Chris Crowther from the church has invited anyone interested to come along for the reading.

"Bible Month has become an annual highlight in the Methodist Church calendar," she said.

"This can be any month of the year but is usually June.

"Each year a different book in the Bible is chosen for study.

"This year it is the turn of the shortest gospel, the Gospel of St. Mark.

"Members of each congregation are encouraged to read the gospel in their own time during June.

"St. John's Methodist Church are trying a different way of doing this and hope to read it out loud on the longest day, Monday, June 21.

"Weather permitting, this will take place outside the front of church, starting at 7pm.

"Come and join us when you can and leave when convenient.

"All are welcome."