WEM residents will be going on safari this weekend for a unique take on the traditional car boot sale.

Instead of searching for lions, giraffes and other things typically found in the Serengeti, visitors will in fact spend this Saturday on the hunt for bargains at people's homes.

A safari car boot sale sees the typical format turned on its head, with vendors setting out their stall at the end of their drives and gardens, and buyers travelling around the town to visit them.

The event is being organised by Natasha Oliver and her daughter Ava, who are hoping to raise money for local animal charities.

She said: "A safari car boot is where people have their stalls at their houses so on their gardens or drives.

"People are invited to find them by travelling however they wish or following the map that is being made.

"Ava who is a brownie at First Wem brownies has come up with the idea.

"A safari trail with pictures is also being created to raise funds, with a raffle too and all proceeds are going to the local animal charities Grinshill Dog Rescue and Sleapy Cat Rescue.

"She has chosen these charities as she knows no one has been able to fundraise for so long and she wants to help the animals for her charity interest badge at brownies."

The car boot safari will take place across Wem on Saturday, July 3 from 10am until 2pm. A raffle will also be held.