A SHROPSHIRE councillor has urged people interested in fostering to attend public events being held across the county over the next two weeks

Councillor Peggy Mullock, from Whitchurch, attended the Lockside Café in Grindley Brook on Friday, May 10 to see for herself the work carried out by the fostering team.

She watched as the team spoke to members of the public who wanted to know more, and was left impressed by their knowledge and dedication.


“It was a pleasure to listen to the staff members talking to the lady who came along to find out what was involved in fostering in Shropshire,” said Cllr Mullock.

“She went away very happy with the information on offer and we are expecting to see her very soon.

“Anyone interested in helping children who need a caring home can contact Shropshire Council for details of the training and support available.”

The event was organised as part of Foster Care Fortnight (May 12-26), which is the UK’s biggest awareness-raising campaign, organised by The Fostering Network.

It aims to showcase the commitment, passion, and dedication of foster carers and the positive impact they have on the lives of children and young people in care.

Shropshire Fostering, the council’s service, is supporting the national campaign to highlight the need for more foster carers in the county and fostering and help people discover how they can make a difference to the lives of children and young people in care.

Kirstie Hurst-Knight, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member for children and education, said: “If you have ever wondered what it’s like to be part of Shropshire’s biggest family, now is your chance to find out.

“It is also a chance to raise awareness of the growing need for more foster carers in our region, especially for older children, sibling groups, disabled children, and unaccompanied asylum-seeking children.

“We are looking for people from all walks of life, who have a spare room and a big heart, to join Shropshire’s biggest family and help us provide the best possible care for our children in need.

“If you are interested in fostering or want to find out more, please come along to one of our events or get in touch with our friendly team.

Get in touch

Share your views on this story by sending a letter to the editor. To get in touch email news@whitchurchherald.co.uk, or fill in the form on this section of our website.

“We would love to hear from you.”

For more, head to www.shropshirefostering.co.uk/info-events/ or call 0800 783 8798.

For north Shropshire residents, there is a session at Shop Local at the Darwin Centre on Thursday from 11am until 1pm and also online via MS Teams on Wednesday, May 22 from 6pm.