North Shropshire MP Helen Morgan has demanded a meeting after plans were announced to close Whitchurch's last bank.

This follows the news of TSB's proposed departure from its Watergate Street premises in May 2025, one of 36 other branches earmarked for closure across the country.

The next closest TSB branch is 11 miles away in Nantwich.

Residents of Whitchurch have faced successive waves of service closures in recent years, including significant losses like the Civic Centre, Halifax Bank, the Driving Test Centre, and Whitchurch Swimming Pool.

Ms Morgan plans to use the meeting with TSB to press the bank to rethink the closure.

She will also seek assurances that even if the closure goes ahead, alternatives will be arranged for local customers to maintain access to vital in-person services in Whitchurch.


The question of round-the-clock cash access remains a pivotal concern, with many people keen for clear commitments from TSB regarding their 'banking hub' proposition intended to replace existing services.

Ms Morgan has said: “Whitchurch has lost a lot of services lately – from the Civic Centre and DVSA to the longstanding closure of the swimming pool.

"Losing TSB would mean that the town, a busy market trading hub, would be without a bank too.

“I will be meeting with TSB soon to express the grave concerns that many residents have raised over the impact this will have on the town, in particular on older residents and small businesses who need to access in-person services more often than most.

“I also want to make clear that we need 24/7 access to cash in the town, and that proposals for a banking hub need to meaningfully replicate the existing level of service – and not just be window dressing for the closure.”

Concluding her remarks, Ms Morgan said: “There is a really thriving High Street in Whitchurch, and I am concerned that the loss of the only remaining banking services will have a real detrimental impact on many people.”