WEST Mercia Police is urging people in Shropshire to be extra vigilant following a recent spate of distractions thefts across the county.

Officers have seen an increase in these types of thefts since May, where people posing as charity workers have engaged their victims in conversation before making off with their valuables.

In one case the suspects took a man’s watch, and in a separate incident they stole a woman’s ring.

Detective Constable Dan Griffiths said the force was doing everything it can to put an end to these types of crimes.

He said: “I’d like to reassure the community that we are working hard to prevent such crimes, and we are aware of these thefts taking place across our force area, not just in Shropshire.


“There are steps people can take to try and reduce the chance of being a victim of these types of crimes.

All genuine charity workers should have legitimate ID and documentation on them, as well as a registered charity number that can be checked and verified. If you suspect they may not be genuine, then please contact police.”

Since May 2023 there have been 10 reports made to police about bogus charity workers stealing from the public with some happening in the wider West Mercia Policing region.

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If you have information regarding the recent spate of distraction thefts, or believe you may have witnessed one taking place, then contact DC Griffiths by emailing daniel.griffiths@westmercia.police.uk

If you have information about a crime but don’t feel comfortable speaking to police, you can speak to the independent charity Crimestoppers.

It is 100 per cent anonymous, they never ask your name and they cannot trace your call or I.P address.

You can contact them online at crimestoppers-uk.org or by calling 0800 555 111.