A WHITCHURCH artist has launched a fundraising campaign to help with an ongoing project.

Lisa Lochhead has been working on 'Art of the Sacred Wheel - Oracle Deck and Companion Book,' a project which has involved both creating the art and writing a 194-page companion book with it.

It has taken just over two years for Lisa to paint the 30 medium to large paintings and write the book.


A spokesperson for Lisa said: "This oracle deck and book unlocks the mystical and transformative powers of engaging with the cyclical nature of life through its breathtaking artwork and profound insights.

"Art of the Sacred Wheel - Oracle Deck and Companion Book' is a supportive and transformative tool unlike any other, designed to guide women on a journey of self-discovery, spiritual growth, and a deeper connection to the natural cycles of the seasons, the solar and lunar cycles and the reclaiming of the feminine soul back from the mind made worlds and busyness of our modern-day lives.

"Each card in this powerful deck is a testament to Lisa Lochhead's artistic vision, featuring vibrant colours, and captivating imagery inspired by spiritual and universal archetypes.

"Accompanying the oracle deck is the companion book, where Lisa shares her insights, ancient wisdom and the gifting behind each card.

"The book serves as a gateway to the transformative power held within, empowering women to tap into their intuition and gain valuable insights that they can apply into their lives.

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"To bring this extraordinary project to life, Lisa Lochhead has launched a Kickstarter campaign.

"This crowdfunding platform provides an opportunity for creatives to get support to birth their vision and projects into the world."

To find out more visit https://www.kickstarter.com/