A PANTOMIME of children's classic Peter Pan will be taking place in Whitchurch later this year.

Whitchurch Amateur Operatic and Dramatic Society (WAODS) will be holding the concert in the Civic Centre in High Street and their preparations for the main event will begin next month.

And they're giving new faces the chance to get on board with some open readings taking place next month.


Production team member Jason Wainwright explained how recently the society had put on a production of Musicality 3.

He continued: "It was a delight that in Musicality 3 we saw several new adult and junior members join WAODS, we are very much hoping that they will stay with us for Peter Pan and beyond.

"Though as a society we are also keen that we continue to grow, so we will be holding two open readings at which all aged eight or over are welcome to, on Thursdays, June 8 and 15, at the Masonic rooms in Castle Hill   at 7.30pm."

The show willows on from the success of last year's pantomime.

A WAODS spokesperson said: "While several productions had been considered it has been decided that following the success of last year's panto that another will be staged this year.

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"So, flying into the Civic Centre from Wednesday, November 29 will be the spectacular pantomime, Peter Pan.

"While a well-known story which is followed throughout, it is very much a traditional panto written by awarding winning panto writer and actor Tom Whalley, including Dame Starkey and the biggest villain of them all, Captain Hook.

"Of course, what makes Peter the most magical of panto hero is that he flies and he very much will fly at the Civic Centre, with a little sprinkle of fairy dust."