FUNDING to make Whitchurch Railway Station accessible for all has been approved by the Government.

Network Rail has confirmed the station will benefit from the Access for All Scheme after there was a campaign to ensure that people with disabilities can access one of the station platforms.

Details of how much funding has been allocated are still to be revealed.

Currently, passengers have to navigate 44 steps to reach the southbound platform one for trains heading to Shrewsbury and South Wales, and some passengers have been forced to get off in Wrenbury or Prees before heading back to Whitchurch.

Network Rail confirmed that now that the funding has been confirmed work can begin in drawing up the designs.


A spokesperson said: "Whitchurch Railway Station has been selected to be included in the Access for All Scheme to improve accessibility. 

"Funding has been secured for design and a preferred designer has been selected.

"Designs will now be worked on with the inclusion of two lifts, one on either side of the existing footbridge. 

"We aim to get the designs confirmed by the end of this control period on March 31, 2024.

"Once this process has been complete, we will be able to confirm the next steps and a delivery date."

People in the town have previously campaigned to make Whitchurch Railway Station accessible for all.

Last year more than 300 people signed a petition calling for action.

The petition said: "Whitchurch Train Station only has steps as means of access to the opposing platform for the Shrewsbury train.

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"This discriminates those who require disabled access under section 20 of the Equality Act 2010.

"It also discriminates against those who have children in prams, or those who have heavy luggage and must carry luggage up and over the bridge."

North Shropshire MP Helen Morgan has also campaigned for the Government to provide funding to make Whitchurch railways station accessible for all people and has called on the Government to get on with the scheme.

She said: "The Government needs to hurry up, approve the funding and get the work going so that everyone can get the train to and from Whitchurch.

"We don’t have enough public transport in north Shropshire so it’s particularly outrageous that one of the few train stations we do have is not accessible."