A MUCH-LOVED BBC gardening programme will be coming to Wem next month.

Green-fingered enthusiasts will be able to put their gardening questions to top experts when BBC Radio 4's Gardeners' Question Time puts on the live event at Wem Town Hall in High Street on Tuesday, March 14 at 5pm.

It follows an invite from Wem District and Garden Club.

Gardeners' Question Time has been broadcast on Radio 4 for more than 70 years answering the queries of amateur gardeners.

Wem District and Garden Club chairman Gill Glover is delighted to be welcoming them to Wem.

She said: "We are really thrilled it is coming, we invited them last year.

"We are hoping we get a lot of people to attend.

"Certainly for our garden club, they are our most prominent guests.

"Members have been thrilled, they knew we'd invited them."

Gill believes having show in Wem will be positive for the town: "I think it will put Wem on the map.

"It is a small town and I think it will make to have it publicised through the BBC.

"Gardeners' Question Time is quite a popular radio program.

"To have Wem named, I think it will be really good for the town."


Since tickets have gone on sale, people have been quick to snap them up.

Gill said: "The tickets are on sale now. They have only been on sale for a week.

"Last time I checked they were doing really well. Hopefully, we will get more people involved."

Gill said she has listened to Gardeners' Question Time for many years and has learnt a lot from the it.

She added: "I have listened to it for years now, I don't know how long.

"There is always something which is relevent to for most gardeners. There is a lot we learn from it.

"We learn about treatments, eco-friendly pesticides and composts."

Wem has a long connection with gardening and has been dubbed the 'home of Sweet Pea' due to Henry Eckford, a Scottish horticulturaist who lived in the towen and planted over 200 varieties of Sweet Pea.

Gill said: "Wem is the home of the Eckford Sweet Pea. We will involve that information in the introduction.

"Our club was formed in 1947. It has been going a long time."

To buy tickets for the event visit www.wemtownhall.co.uk or call 01939 232299.

If you are intertested in getting involved with Wem District and Garden Club call 01939 233357.