A COMMUNITY group near Wem is pleased with the momentum gathering as it starts its fundraising campaigns plans to save a much loved community pub.

The Friends of the Horse and Jockey now has a website and has announced it will be starting its fundraising campaign this month with events to help save the the popular pub in Northwood.

The group was formed to save the pub after it was closed by previous landlords due to rising costs.


The group has now has its website up and group member Louise Paton spoke about how more people are registering their interest.

She said: "It has taken on a real momentum.

"At the moment we are getting approximately 20 new subscribers each week to the Facebook page.

"It is really encouraging because it feels there is a snowball effect now.

"We have had some businesses approaching us to see if they can do business with us either before or after we buy the pub.

"It is really encouraging because it shows they think we have got an incredible business in the offing."

She added: "What we are doing is to have some community events where we are just raising awareness of that and doing share pledging.

"We are seeking donations and looking for funding opportunities.

"We are really excited, there has been a real momentum.

"We have got three community events lined up for the next couple of weeks.

"We will have more happening in March and then in April."

The UK Government currently offers a £1.5 million pub loan fund and Louise confirmed the group will be going for it.

She added: "We will be going for that.

"We have got a number of different funding opportunities which we are exploring and are applying for at the moment.

"We are going for everything we can get."

Many donations have come from people in Northwood and nearby areas but Louise said the group has received some support from people who live outside the UK and have positive memories of the pub.

She explained: "We have received support and offers of small sums of money from people who are outside the country.

"They have fond memories of being in the Horse and Jockey either when they were growing up or been on holiday in the area.

"We are thankful, very grateful and touched by the level of the support.

"It is obvious the Horse and Jockey has very loyal supporters and it makes all the more determined to see if we can try and make a success of this."

To keep up to date with events visit https://www.facebook.com/groups or https://www.horseandjockeynorthwood.co.uk/