A FLOWER club near Whitchurch had a guest from Preston to put on a demonstration involving containers for its members.

Lyn Scot put on her demonstration 'Look Inside' to members of Malpas Flower Club.

'Look Inside' had been inspired by lockdown when she tidied cupboards and June Davies, from Malpas Flower Club, said members were entertained with flowers and arrangements.

June added: "At our last meeting our demonstrator was Lyn Scott from Preston.

"Her title was 'Look Inside' which had been inspired by lockdown when she tidied cupboards etc and found containers she had forgotten about.


"She had been creative with them and made old look unusual and interesting.

"She also showed us how to us biodegradable oasis and a 100 per cent degradable argo-wool.

"She entertained us with lovely flowers and arrangements.

"Our next meeting is on Monday, November 21 in the Jubilee Hall at 2pm when our demonstrator will be Ian Buxton with a title 'Christmas Comes.'

"Visitors are always welcome."