The pub chain JD Wetherspoons has announced that it will be cutting the price of food and drink for one day only this week, to take a stand on tax burdens being reduced in the hospitality sector.

Due to the effects of the Covid pandemic a temporary VAT tax cut was introduced for hospitality firms by Rishi Sunak in October 2021, which was moved back up to the usual 20% in April this year.

As reported by The Evening StandardWetherspoons chairman, Tim Martin, said: “Taxes should be fair and equitable. It is unfair that supermarkets pay zero VAT on food, but pubs and restaurants pay 20 per cent.

Whitchurch Herald: The cost of drinks will be reduced in Wetherspoons for one day this week (Canva)The cost of drinks will be reduced in Wetherspoons for one day this week (Canva) (Image: Canva)

“Pubs have been under fantastic pressure for decades due to the tax disadvantages that they have with supermarkets. Government does best when it does not discriminate among various types of business selling the same products.”

Therefore to call for a further benefit to the hospitality sector Wetherspoons will be reducing their prices by 7.5% on Thursday, September 15.

This will equate to a 30p saving off a pint in one of its central London locations, or a general saving of £2 per £27 spend on average in one of its 851 venues.

The Evening Standard also reported that tax collected from VAT has risen by 60% in the last decade, with VAT making up a record 22% of HMRC total tax receipts.