A PREES Parish Councillor and Prees Cricket and Recreation club have announced plans to light a beacon for the Queen's Platinum Jubilee.

Councillor Joe Whelan and members of the cricket club will light the beacon to celebrate the Queen's 70 year reign on Thursday, June 2.

The beacon will be lit in the club and will be one of over 2,022 lit across the UK.

The parish council and the cricket club put out a joint statement and said they were proud to be part of the celebration.

They added: "We are proud to be part of this momentous celebration.

"It is only appropriate that this unique milestone in history is marked with beacons and music.

"We are honoured to be part of this special event for Her Majesty, The Queen’s 70th year as our monarch and head of the Commonwealth on her Platinum Jubilee.


"We are also still trying to locate a Bugle/Trumpet player to take part playing the ‘Majesty’ call on the night.

"So if you or anyone you know would like to become involved please get it touch.

"In addition to the Beacon lighting there will be many more community activities, sporting and fun events taking place on both the Saturday and Sunday at Prees Cricket and Recreation Club with live music on both afternoons and evenings to with everyone is invited. "Lets all get together and make this a special event celebrating the Queen's Platinum Jubilee."

Beacons will be lit in all 54 Commonwealth capitals and the principal beacon lighting in a special ceremony at Buckingham Palace.