PLANS for 73 new homes on an estate in Whitchurch have been described as "mind-blowing" by local residents.

The proposals for building the properties in Prince William Close were discussed Whitchurch Town Council's monthly meeting at the Civic Centre on Thursday, April 21.

Some residents are unhappy about the plans, and expressed their concerns at the meeting amid fears of increased traffic and heavier vehicles in the area.

Nicola Smith said her car had been hit by vehicles along the road, and feared the issues would be exacerbated by the extra housing.

She said: "I moved here 13 years ago. My estate agent said there would be a relief road. My car has been hit six times.

"To think that planning is going through for another housing estate is mind blowing."

Another resident, Rod Himsley, said there was a failure to address the issue of traffic.

Mr Himsley added: "The planning proposal is quite extensive, that is what you would expect.

"Their aim is to secure a business and they want to have a discount pledge for local residents.

"Failure to address the traffic is where we are right now.

"I was going to ask the council for a five-year development plan. What other proposals on the table are you aware of?"

Mr Himsley also spoke about cycling and said the roads are not safe enough.

He added: "The roads are not safe enough to encourage cyclists.

"I want to be able to find a better way to identify these traffic movements for the council to find ways of getting rid of the log jam.

"There must be a solution, those volumes of traffic are substantial."

Councillor Peggy Mullock, who represents Whitchurch North in Shropshire Council, was in attendance and responded to Mr Hinsley.

She said the developers were told about traffic problems.

Cllr Mullock said: "Those developers were told about the traffic problems.

"And the time to make your point is at planning.

"That is the reason why you had these letters put through the door."

The deputy mayor of Whitchurch, Cllr Andy Hall, said the project was not feasible and added residents needed to voice their objections in writing.

Cllr Hall said: "They understood years ago this was not feasible.

"You mention the wagons, it is their cars which get damaged.

"For the residents, all of you need to put your objection in and put all your points down in writing."

Whitchurch Town Council subsequently voted to object to the development.