AN UPCOMING walking festival and plans for the Jubilee were among the things discussed at a business group meeting in Whitchurch.

Whitchurch Business Group met in the Archibald Worthington Club, Castle Hill on Wednesday, April 13 at 6pm.

Representatives from Whitchurch Walkers turned up to discuss the the upcoming Walking Festival, which will be taking place over the weekend from Friday, May 13 to Sunday, May 15.

Barry Fewster, from Whitchurch Walkers, said one way the business group could help the walkers was to sponsor the event.

He said: "Another way would be to help by sponsoring the event.

"We charge a minimum, £2 to £3.

"However, if we are having to use a minibus, we need to cover the cost of fuel.

"It could be your group, could maybe cover that for us.

"If you have got a website and you want to link it, we will link it to our festivals page.

"We will be promoting anybody who is offering us a discount, we will promote your business through our website and Facebook pages.

"And if you let us have use of your logos we will put them on as the link.

"On your website you could put a link to our festival, that is a good way of helping us.

"If you could let us know how much you business benefited by, that is good because we can tell other people."

Whitchurch Business Group subsequently voted to provide £300 to Whitchurch Walkers.

Hilary Seward from Whitchurch Business Group put forward plans and ideas to to celebrate the Jubilee.

She added: "The town needs a Jubilee event.

"If we can use the gallery space, Greg (Ebbs) wanted an exhibition.

"If anybody has got mementos, memorabilia of the 70 years of the Queen's reign.

"That might generate some interest and if that was on a Saturday, people coming in.

Ms Seward added: "We are suggesting we run again a scarecrow competition, regal competition.

"Joe suggested we do an art competition for different age groups and possibly when Moo and Boom be the centre.

"We tend to pay crown prizes in Whitchurch shopping vouchers, that keeps it in the high street."

Ms Seward concluded the evening and thanked the attendees for turning up.

She added: "If anybody has got ideas we can do for May Day, the Jubilee, I will send out an email to all the contacts I have got.

"The sun is shining, spring is here, the blossoms are there, we will try and be positive.

"Thank you very much guys."