WHITCHURCH will be prioritised for a new leisure centre under plans being laid before Shropshire Council.

The unitary authority's cabinet is being asked to back a public consultation on new leisure facilities in the town at a meeting next week – moving the town's plans ahead of any changes to swimming provision in Shrewsbury.

If all goes to plan, the new centre could be open by 2025, with the total investment in the project now expected to clock in at £12.1 million.

The new site is intended to feature a six-lane 25m pool with a movable floor, a 35-station fitness suite, multi function rooms and a cafe.

Shropshire Council said the new facility would help improve health and wellbeing.

Cecilia Motley, Shropshire Council’s cabinet member for communities, place, tourism and transport, said: "A key priority for Shropshire Council is to improve health and wellbeing at all stages of life, and increasing participation in physical activity across the community is crucial to this.

"Everyone has been very disappointed that the current centre at Whitchurch has been unable to reopen, and this is a situation that is not going to change as the building is not structurally sound.

Whitchurch Herald:

"A new facility would be a massive benefit to all and is something Shropshire Council is committed to delivering."

The cabinet will receive a report which proposes an eight-week long consultation on proposals to replace the centre with a new swimming pool and leisure facilities, and will be asked to press ahead with the project at a meeting on Wednesday, April 27.

It comes as Shropshire Council also considers the future of its pool in Shrewsbury, and the council also said the county town's pools has been put on the back burner due to rapidly rising costs.

It means Whitchurch will be prioritised for a new pool, as the town has already been without its swimming centre for two years, and structural problems highlighted during the pandemic mean it cannot reopen in its current form.

The council considered whether a temporary pool could be installed, but because it would have been on the same site as the new centre that was deemed not to be possible.

Council leader Lezley Picton said: "This is really close to my heart.

"It is extremely good news for Whitchurch.

"We expect to get it open in early 2025, but it will open earlier if we do do it quicker."

The new facilities in Whitchurch will be discussed by the cabinet of Shropshire Council on Wednesday, April 27.