A new year is just a few days old and it is time for all of us to look ahead with some renewed optimism.

Life continues to be hard for many but we can be assured that efforts are being made to ensure the day when we can all enjoy life once more is getting closer.

The last two years have taught us to find the wonder in the little things.

Little victories, little steps forward and little moments have all become all the more precious since the onset of the global pandemic in 2020.

Little moments make up life and these are the things which stick with us for the rest of our lives.

They may not seem the most memorable or noteworthy now but memories, both good and bad, carry more weight as time passes.

Certainly there will be a time, hopefully in the not too distant future, when we can all look back at these turbulent and historic times.

What will we tell ourselves? What will we tell the generations to come?

Certainly the best of humanity has been on display over the past two years, in the form of key workers, volunteers and scientists.

Sadly history will also remember the other aspects of life over the past two years and the many who passed away before their time.

All we can do in the meantime is look after one another and look forward to a brighter day.