PLANS to construct two holiday log cabins on a farm near Ellesmere have been rejected by Shropshire Council.

The plans involved the change of use of a field at Winston Farm in Tetchill, from agricultural to tourism.

In her refusal report, Tracy Darke, assistant director of Economy and Place said the plans would be an “inappropriate development in an isolated, open countryside location.”

She added: "While the scheme will provide some limited economic benefit by increasing the tourism offering that the area has, however it is situated away from settlement and there are limited services and facilities within the locality.

"Furthermore, the application as proposed is considered to result in harm to the identified heritage assets; the setting of the listed bridge together with the setting of the canal and non-designated heritage asset, together with significant visual harm to the wider landscape, demonstrated by the unauthorised development adjacent.

"The harm resulting from the proposals prominent position and impact upon the setting of both designated and non-designated heritage assets is not substantially outweighed by the limited economic benefit identified.”

Three cabins currently exist adjacent to the site, but planning officers say these have no bearing on the latest plans as they have been constructed without appropriate planning permission.

Permission to construct the three previous log cabins on the site was refused, with planning officers concerned that the impact to the local ecology would offset any 'limited' economic benefit.

Referring to the current application, Ms Darke explained: "The proposal is not the expansion of an existing tourism enterprise as the neighbouring site to the south is unlawful.”