A WOMAN from near Overton has praised the local response to a recently launched anti dog-theft champaign.

Karen Jones has started 'DogHorn Overton and Bangor on Dee', the local response to the national DogHorn anti dog-theft campaign.

A similar group was recently set up covering Flintshire and Chester, but Karen has launched the sister group to cover the border between Wales and Shropshire.

"The local response has been absolutely incredible," says Karen.

"Many have bought the yellow lanyard with whistle, which is at the heart of the DogHorn campaign and are feeling more confident already.

"By using whistles, having a special code to raise awareness, walking in groups and employing various tactics, the aim of the campaign is to raise confidence in fellow dog owners so that they can walk their dogs outside.

"There’s so much apprehension among dog owners of having their dogs stolen and it’s disproportionate to the chance of losing your pet.

“So many are worried and concerned.

"When you think about how many dogs there are in the country and how many are stolen, it’s probably only a small fraction, but nobody wants it to be their dog.

"Overton and Bangor are villages where if you blew the whistle, someone would come.

"There is a strong community spirit, you don’t feel like you’re walking alone and that’s what is important."

To join DogHorn Overton and Bangor on Dee, visit facebook.com/groups/289792229352250