Workers assessing lighting in Whitchurch’s Civic Centre have said they were “horrified” to find that a rig in one the main hall was supported only by the plasterwork on the ceiling.

Emergency work has now been undertaken to secure the lighting grid on the bar lighting in the hall after it was found to be “in a very unsafe condition”.

During recent approved upgrades to the Civic Centre’s stage lighting and electrics, the lighting bars on the ceiling of the main hall were found to be in a dangerous state, with 75 per cent of the grid supported by the ceiling plaster.

This discovery was only made after access to the ceiling void above the main hall was made possible by a recent asbestos report.

Sound Design, the contractors undertaking the upgrades, described the danger in a report that was included in an agenda for the town council’s latest meeting this week.

The report said: “We were horrified to find that 75 per cent of the lighting grid is supported by the plaster work of the ceiling and wooden ‘washers’.

“In order that the LED project to can be completed the structure needs to be made safe.”

Following this discovery, both the finance committee and the cultural and Civic Centre approved emergency repairs on the grounds that there was a significant risk to the health and safety of all users of the centre.

Acting town clerk Gillian Bailey confirmed that the responsibility to repair the internals of the building was the responsibility of the town council and that the main hall lighting was now ‘safe and secure’ following the repairs.

“Whitchurch Town Council has been responsible for the internal of the building for some 40 years,” said Ms Bailey.

“It’s a full repairing lease for the internals and Shropshire Council are responsible for the external areas.

“The lighting rig has probably been like that for some length of time, but it will now be safe and secure.”

Whitchurch Town Council has already agreed to upgrade the lighting at a cost of £17,807, with the emergency repairs costing £3,876.

The town council is currently seeking support from Shropshire Council for a variety of repairs before it takes on the lease for the centre.