RESIDENTS of Whitchurch have been getting together for a coffee to raise money for one of the town’s churches.

The coffee morning – held at Whitchurch Civic Centre – was in aid of St John’s Methodist Church in St John’s Street, and had various stalls to help raise money as well as tea and coffee.

Visitors that arrived early enjoyed a selection of homemade cakes, with a tombola and bric-a-brac stall also providing a reason to visit.

Event organiser Chris Crowther suggested that the relatively large gap since the last coffee morning saw a boost in numbers.

“It’s been a while since our last proper coffee morning, so everyone’s come out,” said Chris. “It’s very busy.

“We’re raising money for the church’s funds. We’re having to boost funds as things like electricity and heating and water are all things you have got to pay for.

“But we’ve got a tombola, with prizes donated, a bric-a-brac stall and a cake stall, with very few cakes left.

“St John’s Church would like to say thank you for everyone’s support.”