A MAJOR planning application in Wem has been rejected by Shropshire Council.

The plan was to build a large development on land off of Mill Street, including the construction of two blocks of residential care home comprising of 50 units with communal facilities; formation of car parking; diversion of public right of way and associated works.

But after concerns were raised by local residents and members of Wem Town Council, the planning application was refused on grounds related to parking, landscaping and flooding.

In explaining the decision to reject the application, Ian Kilby, planning officer for Shropshire Council said: "It is considered that the proposed development, by virtue of its scale and massing and the layout of the site, would have a dominant impact and fail to preserve or enhance the character and appearance of the Wem Conservation Area."

He added: "The proposed development would result in an incongruous addition to the finer grain of the development more characteristic of the conservation area.

"In addition, the constrained layout of the site, because of the flood zones results in the parking area being in a prominent and intrusive position with very little opportunity for any beneficial landscaping.

"While the proposal would offer some limited public benefit this is not considered to be sufficient to outweigh the level of long term harm that would be caused to the character and appearance of the conservation area and the setting of the Grade II listed building.

"It is considered that the applicant has not adequately demonstrated that adequate parking can been provided to support the development and would be likely to lead to indiscriminate parking in the locality.