A humanist marriage celebrant from the outskirts of Whitchurch has welcomed official statistics that those who are married this way stay together.

The statistics on marriage and divorce data in Scotland released earlier this week show that couples married in a humanist ceremony are almost four times less likely to divorce compared with all other types of marriages.

Maxine Beech, from Grindley Brook, performs ceremonies across UK, believes the findings are not surprising given the uniqueness of a humanist ceremony and their growing popularity throughout England and Wales.

“Every wedding ceremony I write is entirely handcrafted around each individual couple, reflecting their relationship and the values they share," she said.

"I can only achieve this level of personalisation by getting to know the couple very well through many in-depth meetings and shared homework tasks.

"The couples I work with are very invested in their marriage, and I encourage them to consider what getting married means to them and how they can celebrate it in a meaningful way.”

Humanist marriages have been legally recognised north of the border since 2005 but are not yet recognised in England and Wales, so couples complete their paperwork in a statutory ceremony at their local register office.

“Instead of asking the couple to repeat traditional vows after me, I offer them a vow workshop where they can write marriage commitments that really mean something to them,” Maxine added.

“Instead of turning their backs on their guests during the ceremony, I invite them to face their loved ones and enjoy their reactions. We can hold their ceremony in any place that is significant to them.

"For my couples, a humanist ceremony is the most authentic way to start their married life. Of all the couples I have married over the last five years, most of whom I’m still in touch with, I do not know of any who have divorced.”

For more on humanist marriages, contact Maxine Beech at maxine@maxinebeech.com or on 07786976968.