FAMILIES had the chance to learn about nature at two projects by the Mere.

The Boathouse in Ellesmere hosted Shropshire Wildlife Trust’s (SWT) Wild Left-overs drop-in session on Saturday.

There was also a chance to hear about Ellesmere Heronwatch 2019 with volunteer Edward Bevan.

Wild Left-overs saw SWT engagement officer Cath Price help visitors work out which animals had left various remains.

Visitors could also monitor the herons on Moscow Island and hear from Mr Bevan about the annual project, which runs from February to June and uses video cameras, we have continuous viewing of all the action as the herons build their nests, breed and incubate their eggs, and feed their hungry chicks.

The trust runs themed drop-ins for all the family at The Boathouse from 10am-3.30pm every Saturday.

For more information on Ellesmere Heronwatch, visit http://www.heronwatch.org.uk/