A POETRY group is organising a 'slam' between 15 countrywide artists in Whitchurch at the end of the summer.

Poetry Whitchurch is holding its first slam event at Percy’s Café Bar, Watergate Street, where wordsmiths will battle against each other for a prize of £50 and the status of being the winner of the first Poetry Whitchurch Slam.

Harvey Vasey, director of the group said the aim is to get more people involved.

He added: “We aim to develop poetry in the whole town.


“We particularly want to support young writers and to show that poetry can be both fun and therapeutic.”

The event will take place on Monday, August 21, from 7pm.

The slam comprises local poets and spoken word artists as well as established slammers coming from all over the country.

Alongside selected judges one aspect of the judging is the level of audience applause, so people are invited to come and support our local talents.

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The competition has two rounds, with winners of the first rounds going head-to-head for the grand final.

All types of poetry will be on display and people of all levels and ages will be taking part.

The group also runs open mike events at the Civic Centre, and small online groups to help individuals develop their poetic skills as well as running workshops at local schools.