SOME people say that August is the Sunday or summer and perhaps it rings true.

For many the last seven months have felt like a permanent week day or perhaps Saturday shift working from home.

However with the easing of restrictions now in effect it does seem that come September many will be starting life in the ‘new normal’ which could be compared to a Monday morning.

It is an exciting yet daunting time for many as we begin to look forward again after almost two lost years.

Some will have lost much more than personal freedoms since last March.

Loved ones, peace of mind and security - the things we most hold dear to our hearts – will have been lost to many and it is vitally important these people are prioritised as the country looks to the future.

For while we are all looking forward to resuming our lives, so many will need support now more than ever.

Hobbies can help and certainly the camera club showcases the great number of talented visual story tellers who have shared their pictures for the enjoyment of others.

However nothing beats social contact.

We are social creatures and we crave interaction.

We are not quite there yet but hopefully when the day comes when the most vulnerable can venture outdoors again we are all there to support them.