Whitchurch Herald - Memorials

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Kenneth Raymond LLOYD

Published on 09/02/2024

LLOYD Kenneth Raymond (Ken) Myfanwy and the family would like to thank everyone for the kindness and support shown to them on the sad loss of a dear husband, brother and uncle. They wish to express their sincere thanks for all the cards and flowers received, telephone calls and visits, for attendance at the funeral and for the generous donations received in Ken's memory, which will be shared between Llandrinio Church and Severn Hospice. Special thanks to the Reverend. Jim Thompson and Reverend. Gwyndaf Richards for conducting a lovely service, and to Paul West for playing the organ. Thanks also to everyone at I. Jackson & Sons Funeral Directors for their care, understanding and support. Also to Jenny and Glana (Arbennig Catering) for the lovely refreshments and to Wendy at The Flower Gallery for the beautiful flowers.


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